Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Five Reasons to Travel to Latvia

I know that this is a major deviation of the trajectory of the blog. 
But I recently read a post by a Latvian friend of an article listing 5 reasons to travel to Riga.  And I realized that I did not connect with more than half of them.  It only took me a few moment of reflection to come up with my 5 reasons for loving Latvia and loving to be in Latvia.  So I decided to share them.  If I were a tech geek, I would have easily been able to find a better forum and mode of presentation.  But since I'm not, as my Constitutional Law professor was fond of saying (some of my best stuff comes from him) "as a concession to the shortness of life..." I have used the forum and medium I had available.  So here they are...

5.  The Latvian Language: The people of Latvia were pressured not to speak their native language in public for 50 years!  The Caucasians of the USA have no conception what this would be like.  It is a beautiful language.  Early on when I began to hear it and reflect on it, I said, (I have had an original thought or two) that when someone is speaking Latvian they are speaking poetry.  But, of course, you don't have to go to Latvia to hear people speak in Latvian.  But... the greater joy is to speak it in Latvia.  What joy to see the surprise and experience the joy when a Latvian hears himself / herself addressed in Latvian by someone from the USA who is not Latvian!  (This is especially true if you are grammatically correct!  Latvian grammar is as complicated as Ancient Greek.)  I have stories of course, but that will get us too far off track.  I can share them in person.

4.  The Scenery: Latvia is about the size of West Virginia.  It is a land of beautiful lakes, and rivers, and forests, and the sea.  It's a lot like Wisconsin (and Minnesota).  It is not an accident that so many Latvians settled in Wisconsin and Minnesota. It's like home.  During the time of occupation (50 years) the leaders of Soviet Russia chose Latvia as the place for rest, relaxation and recreation.  Because it's a gorgeous country.  When I have Latvian guests, I will often take them around the lakes and rivers and forests of Wisconsin.  Just like home.

3.  The Castles: I think it is because I am a disciple of C. S. Lewis, and lover of "The Chronicles of Narnia" in addition to being so intrigued by the whole concept of Knighthood.  But I love visiting the Medieval / Feudal castle ruins throughout Latvia.  In my 24 trips I have had the blessing of visiting every region of Latvia.  And one constant is - the castles.  Latvia was a feudal system in Medieval times.  The Latvian word for city is "pilseta" which pretty much translates, "the place of the castle."  I have not seen them all, but I have seen very many over the years.  It never gets old.
Then, there's Rundale Castle.  This is a Renaissance Castle in southern Latvia designed to match the castle in France.  It is amazing; a must see.  It was used as a hospital (if I remember correctly) during Soviet occupation and had to be restored.  But it has been - beautifully.

2.  The Churches of Riga: There are many famous skylines.  Even Chicago.  But as the article posted by my Latvian friend pointed out, Riga is over 800 years old.  The St. James Cathedral was dedicated in 1225!  It continues to house weekly Mass.  Atop the St. Peter's Cathedral is an observation deck that allows a bird's eye view of the city of Riga.  The pipe organ in Dome Cathedral is one of the (if not the) greatest organs in all of Europe.  (I have had the blessing of hearing multiple organ concerts in the cathedral.)  The skyline of Riga Churches has been preserved in woodwork, photograph, painting, etc.
After landing in Riga and being picked up at the airport (I have not had to take a taxi yet from the airport.  More on that below.) I have been welcomed home (my second home) by the Latvian Cathedrals rising above the river.

1.  And the number one reason to travel to Latvia is...  THE PEOPLE.  Latvians have a reputation of being very reserved.  And in general this may be so.  But my great blessing has been to work "side by side" with my sisters and brothers in Christ, mostly in the Lutheran church, but not exclusively.  I have not experienced this reserved-ness among my sisters and brothers in Christ.  What I have experienced is warmth, welcome, sacrificial hospitality, and even fierce loyalty.  Of course I am not worthy of any of this.  But that's the point, isn't it.  It's not about me.  It cannot be about me.  Should it ever become about me, I am confident, I trust, that God will stop the opportunities to serve.  To some extent it is about them.  It's how they are.  But primarily it is about The One we love, follow, serve, obey.  "We ARE One in the Spirit.  We ARE One in The Lord."
I have been continually blessed by the joy of being with my young friends of Latvia.  (My older friends too, of course.  It's just that these days there are fewer and fewer people older than me.)  They keep me young, even when I sometimes feel really old. 
They think I'm important.  It makes me chuckle sometimes.  I get that I am not important.  But, I'm important to them because I love Latvia and I love the people of Latvian.  I work on perspective all the time.  The motto I adopted many years ago now helps keep that perspective.  "I have come to serve."

Of course the reason I began to serve in Latvia and the reason I continue to serve in Latvia 22 years and 23 trips later is that GOD called me to Latvia to serve and God arranged for my way to come and serve.  But I wanted my 5 reasons to be about Latvia and Latvians, not about God's call for me to serve.  I continue to serve as God calls and enables and empowers.  But these reasons make it my great joy and blessing to serve.

P.S.  I felt compelled to add as an "oh by the way" that in a recent European poll, Latvia was named the number one country in Europe with the most beautiful women.  Just FYI.  (Notice please its not on the list.)

(I have resisted the temptation to include Latvian phrases in this post because my office computer does not have Latvian letters installed, and I do know how to spell correctly in Latvian.  I may amend later to add them.  But maybe not.  This list is for those of my friends and colleagues who are not Latvian.)